A collaboration with Mackenzie Schlagenhaft


Friendaversary is an exciting and emotional video created on Facebook to commemorate the friendship of users. It is a video clip of Facebook celebrating the number of years counted based on when each other followed.

The goal of this project is to help users to feel connected and to remind their the memories they've made together.


“Faded Pictures, Brilliant Memories”

The concept of the project is "Faded Pictures, Brilliant Memories".

We targeted teenagers to mid-20's Facebook users, especially those who shared plenty of time. It is common for them to build up memories by taking pictures of them. We collected these photos and created a video of "Photo Book," which allows users to share their memories.

To boost the nostalgia, we used old textures, polaroid frames, retro colors, and cute design elements.


Retro and vintage styles have begun to trend again.

People want to show the sentimental color from the film camera even when editing photos, and they decorate their homes simply using polaroids and film cameras.

We produced videos using polaroid frames to reflect these teen trends.


Type animation was one of the big challenges. We got the idea of collage and decided to use it, which caught the attention.

We also added a wiggle effect to the letters, adding a playful and fun mood.


Color selection led to the overall atmosphere of the video. There have been several color correction and texture experiments to find emotional colors. We were looking for colorful but also stimulating nostalgia.